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Writer/WarmingUp Code

string ToString() bool float object enum boxing char


using System;

class stringTest
 public static void Main()
  sting a = "제이름은";
  string b = "전광식입니다";
  string c = "강민주입니다";
  string e = a+b;
  string f = a+c;

  int g = 2001;
  string h = "올해는" + g.ToString +"년입니다";


using System;

class objectTest
 public static void Main()
  object a = 22;
  object b = 3.14;
  objenct c = "abc";

   Console.WriteLine("Value of a : {0}",a);
   Console.WriteLine("Value of a : {0}",a.ToString());
   Console.WriteLine("Value of a : {0}",aGetType);

   Console.WriteLine("Value of b : {0}",b);
   Console.WriteLine("Value of b : {0}",b.ToString());
   Console.WriteLine("Value of b : {0}",b.GetType);

   Console.WriteLine("Value of c : ",c);
   Console.WriteLine("Value of c : ",c.ToString());
   Console.WriteLine("Type of c : ",c.GetType);


using System;

class uerVar
 public static void Main()
  int a;
  a = 3;
  int b = 7;

  Console.WriteLine("a는 : {0}",a);
  Console.WriteLine("b는 : {0}",b);

using System;

class floatTest
 public static void Main()
  folat a = 3.14f;
  double b = 3.14d;
  double c = a*b;

  Console.WriteLine("flat a : {0} double b: {1}",a, b);
  Console.WriteLine("a * b : {0}", c);

using System;

class enumTest
 enum Color
  Red = 4;
  Yellow = 25;
  White = Red * Yellow * Blue

 Public static void Main()
  Console.WriteLine("First member of Color is {0}",Color.Red);
  Console.WriteLine("Value of Second member Yellow is {0}",(int)Color.Yellow);
  Console.WriteLine("Third member of Color is {0}",Colr.Blue);
  Console.WriteLine("Value of Blue is {0}",(int)Color.Blue);
  Console.WriteLine("Value of White is {0}",(int)Color.White);


using System;

class DecimalTest
 public static void Main()
  float a = 22f;
  float b = 7f;
  float c = a/b;
  Console.WriteLine("float type pie{0}",c);

  double i = 22;
  double j = 7;
  double k = i/j;

  decimal x = 22m;
  decimal y = 7m;
  decimal z = x/y;


using System;

class ConversionTest
 public static void Mian()
  string a = "1234321";
  int b = int.parse(a);
  float c = 22f/ 7f;
  double d =(double)c;

  Console.WirteLine("string {0}",a);
  Console.WriteLine("int.parse() b {0}",b);
  Console.WriteLine("float c {0}",c);


using System;

class carTest
 public static void Main()
  char a = 'A';
  char b = '한';
  char c = '한국';  // char 형 변수는 문자하나만 저장가능


using System;

class boxingTest
    public static void Main()
        int i = 123;
        object j = i;
        i = 456;
        int k = (int)j;

        object a = 111;
        object b = 2;
        object c = (int)a * (int)b;


        Console.WriteLine("{0}", c);

using System;


class boolTest
    public static void Main()

        int i = 3;
        int j = 4;
        bool a = (i < j);
        bool b = (i < j);
        bool c = (i == j);

        Console.WriteLine("{0}", i);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", j);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", a);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", b);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", c);



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