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System.Web.HttpUtility 가 안보여?? 인텔리센스(Intellisense)가 망가졌나?? ㅋㅋ


삽질중 구글링~!! O_O

어셈플리 참조하면된다...

괜한 삽질만 해되었다(?)

using System.Web 만 해주면 될 줄알았더니

참조 해줘야하네~!

역시 기초가 중요합니다


답은 역시나 구글에 있엇다 


System.Web.HttpUtility is not available
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 bullshark - 20 Oct 2003 00:48 GMT
Hi all.

Just tearing my hair out here. VSN03 XP all latest.

I'm trying to gain use of System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("string").

The problem is, it isn't there.

I've got:

using System.Web;

I've tried:

Intellisense for System.net only offers:

The 'FindType' utility tells me it's there:
E:\Visual Studio Projects>findtype httputility
class      System.Web.HttpUtility
class      System.Web.HttpUtility+UrlDecoder

Any attempt to use HttpUtility just gets:
cs(29): The type or namespace name 'HttpUtility' does not exist in the class or namespace 'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

My VS.net03 help finds it with F1 and tells me the namespace is System.Web...

Fer Gosh sakes...it's fully qualified AND I've got the using System.Web clause

What is going on?


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  Michael Culley - 20 Oct 2003 01:37 GMT
Most likely you need to add a reference to it. Right click references in the treeview in solution explorer, click add, find
System.web and add it.